Bird Enrichment idea #151 (view all)

Playing on the Ground
updated 07/19/09 08:32PM

Difficulty: easy

A a small area of dirt


If there is anyway possible that you can safely get your bird onto some dirt, I highly recommend it. Both Herbie and Eli love being on the ground. Herbie will dig a hole, and the dirt does fly! Eli is more about scratching, like a chicken. Our outdoor cage is bottomless (open to the ground), so Herbie has a lot of time to dig if he wants to, and he wants to a lot. Eli, goes to the garden with me and scratches around beside me while I work. My parakeets also enjoy digging. I hung a basket of dirt in their cage. It took them a few weeks and I have never seen them do it, but the evidence is on the floor of the cage.

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World Wildlife Fund An animal's behavior will be in accordance with his environment. World Parrot Trust